IELTS the listening comprehension is designed to assess your ability to
understand spoken English and is the same for all candidates. There is
a pre-recorded tape which lasts for about thirty minutes. There is a
total of about forty questions. There are four sections in the test.
Each section may contain two or three linked passages of two to three
minutes each, or one longer passage of about five minutes. The passages
get more difficult as you progress through the tape.
The earlier sections use
situations in which you may find yourself on first arriving in an
English-speaking country, when you need 'survival English'. These
include finding your way around, following directions, giving and taking
down information, making arrangements etc. Section 1 is always in the
form of a dialogue between two or more speakers, while section 2 is a
talk or some information given by one person at a time.
In the later sections the topics
usually concern education and training. Here you may have to do the
kind of thing you will need to do in an academic environment - listen to
pre-recorded information, listen to lectures, pick out relevant key
information from a dialogue and so on. Again, section 3 is a dialogue
or discussion, while section 4 is a single voice giving a talk or
So you will hear monologues and
dialogues. You will hear male voices and female voices. You will also
hear a variety of accents. You will hear the passages once only, as in
most situations in real life.
You are given a booklet. This contains all the instructions and questions with space to write your answers.
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